How Does Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inform Health Care Decisions? American Medical Association

cost benefit analysis example in healthcare

We can see that the costs of implementing the program are less than the medical and productivity costs averted. Because the intervention is cost saving, the results are not presented as a cost-effectiveness ratio. The value of mortality risk reductions – the value per statistical life or VSL – is an important parameter in policy analysis.

  • What limited the scope of CUAs from the perspective of CBA generally was that they used a single threshold price that was the same irrespective of the preference of the persons who were actually receiving the benefits of the interventions.
  • This confirms the obvious point that CEA ratios very much depend on the specific effect measure it uses.
  • Valuing benefits based on averted productivity loss has the advantage of being based on an easily measurable quantity (market income).
  • The patient can consider the benefits, like whether treatments will be curative, could extend life, or might offer a chance at survival while waiting for a better treatment to become available.
  • In this article the aim was to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of CEA from a societal perspective as a method of economic evaluation in healthcare.
  • The research team conducted in-depth interviews and focus groups with participants from the NSW Ministry of Health and NSW Treasury in June–August 2018 to identify resource allocation decision-making processes for preventive health interventions in the NSW government [unpublished data].
  • The introductory chapter is very helpful in setting the context for the rest of the book, which is concerned with normative or welfare economics.

If one QALY is valued at $150,000, but the second QALY is valued at only USD 50,000, then the 0.6 additional QALYs is valued at 0.6 of $50,000 and not 0.6 of USD 150,000 as in Table 4. The Donepezil Monotherapy benefits would be downsized to $180,000, making the net benefits become $131,824, which is now lower than for Memantine Monotherapy. To obtain the effect from any intervention, resources have to be allocated and they have to be costed. In CEA the costing is usually related just to the institution undertaking the financing, which is called the private costs. Although the costing for the CBA’s of the new dementia interventions was wider than this, we will assume, just for simplicity, that the CBA costs were the relevant ones for the CEA (We will relax this assumption when we deal with externalities when the analysis switches to social CBA). CEA provides information on health and cost impacts of an intervention compared to an alternative intervention (or the status quo).

What output does a cost-effectiveness analysis provide?

Thirdly, the acceptance and use of the Framework will also require treasury departments to better understand the unique features of preventive health interventions and to accept the deviations away from the current treasury guidance. This process is likely to be time- and resource-intensive for both health and treasury departments and will require a close and effective working relationship between them. Despite the large commitment required, governments are gradually moving towards mandated CBA processes [4, 33, 40, 41], and therefore the health sector must adapt so that preventive health analyses are useful to both central and sector-specific decision-making.

cost benefit analysis example in healthcare

Sensitivity analyses should use a range of values including 0%, 5%, 7% and 10% to highlight the impact of the discount rate on the CBA results. The third criticism relates to CEA’s consideration (or lack thereof) of certain value elements. Although recent advances in measuring these value elements have provided a set of useful resources,44,45 more work is needed to readily incorporate these elements into standard CEA. Health economic evaluations are used to inform medical procurement and reimbursement decisions by public and private healthcare providers. The most popular form of health economic evaluation is cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), which often presents the ratio of the incremental cost of an intervention (from the perspective of either the healthcare provider or society) to the incremental health benefits of an intervention. A review conducted for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of health economic evaluations of interventions related to malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and vaccination in low- and middle-income countries found that, of 204 studies published in 2000–2013, 202 (99%) were CEAs [1].

Additional file 4:

It is important to understand that when a dementia patient’s symptoms are reduced, this will also mean that the dementia symptoms of the caregiver are also likely to be reduced. This is because the spouses of people with dementia are six times more likely to develop dementia than for persons whose spouses have not experienced dementia [12]. As a result, any reductions in symptoms by the dementia patient will generate external benefits that need to be added to the direct benefits accruing to the dementia patient. At the bottom part of Table 5 are added two other dementia interventions that did not rely on the NACC data, but illustrate how widespread and multidimensional any dementia intervention can be. People take advantage of persons with dementia resulting in psychological, financial and physical elder abuse. Using the willingness to prosecute as a measure of this WTP, a benefit amount of between $40,000 to $50,000 was estimated, varying with the type of abuse.

cost benefit analysis example in healthcare

Let’s review some fundamentals for your critical thinking tool kit for understanding health care costs evaluation. Economic evaluation involves the costs and consequences—that is, the inputs and outputs—of activities, and suggests choices what is a cost benefit analysis based on a set of criteria. Earnings or productivity gains are often valued using salary rates based on the human capital approach. Essentially, this approach assumes an individuals’ life has a value equal to their production.

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